This year animator Cyriak is the artist in focus. Pluk de Nacht has been an avid follower of the work of this resourceful animator and is very proud to present (part of) his oeuvre.
“Animator of weird stuff”, that’s how animator and graphic designer Cyriak describes himself in his Twitter bio. There’s other references that come to mind while browsing through his highly addictive internet shorts. The Monty Python animations revised for the Photoshop generation. Banky with added movement. M.C. Escher meets the internet’s cat-meme. But whichever reference you use to attempt to get hold of Cyriak’s work, it defies categorization. It needs to be seen. And heard, because the soundtrack full of electronic beeps and bops (composed by Cyriak himself) are a huge part of his work’s, erm… disturbing charm.
‘Like the opening title sequence to the best-ever TV kids’ show that you can’t actually remember having seen and that no-one would ever allow on the air anyway.’ – The Guardian