Whether it's two pimply teenagers on a search for exotic birds (Easter Eggs), a cinematic experiment that revolves around Phil Collins's monster hit (In the Air Tonight) or the adventures of a woman …
Various directors
Shorts Night: Be Some Body
With Shorts Night: Be Some Body, Pluk de Nacht is indirectly giving homage to the Hot Girl Summer. This is a collection of shorts films that celebrate the human body, sensuality and sexuality. They do …
Shorts Night: Growing Pains
When it comes to short films, we quickly resort to youthful metaphors. Some shorts can be seen as the embryonic stage of a feature film. Many directors call making a short film a playground, versus …
Shorts Night: Life’s a Beach (Death Is a Forest)
Voor de filmmakers die het strand als locatie kiezen, worden zon, zand en zee eerder metaforen voor de ellende in de hedendaagse wereld: vluchtelingenstromen, oorlog, extremisme, globalisme en …
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PLUK de NACHT Shorts
Below are just a few of the shorts you can expect to see! …
Shorts Night: Push and Pull
No, don’t worry, this year's Shorts Night is not about the push-pull strategies of the marketing world. Pluk prefers to look beyond the market-based approach. Because let’s be honest: attracting and …
Shorts Night: No Age Like the Third Age
Whether we like it or not: we’re all getting older, a little bit every day. If we’re lucky we make it to ninety. But that’s not always a good thing, as the collection of short films at this Shorts …
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