We volgen haar al een tijdje, het Japanse multitalent Sawako Kabuki met haar kleurrijke, schattige, eigenzinnige humoristisch-erotische animaties. In 2017 was ze onze Artist in Focus. Dit jaar vroegen we haar om onze poster te ontwerpen. Daar hoefde ze niet over na te denken. Gelukkig.

What did you think when Pluk asked you to design the poster for this year’s edition?
“At that time I was a little swamped with work, but I was very happy to be asked and I really wanted to do it. I’m currently working on a trailer for a Japanese film festival, but I’ve never designed the poster for a festival.”

Was it hard to come up with something? What was the first idea that popped into your head?
“The name of the festival translates to Seize the Night, and the festival tries to connect people through artistic movie experiences. When I heard this concept of the festival, I immediately came up with this visual.”

Is it based on an animation you made before?
“Not really, but I often draw piles of naked people like you see on the poster of Pluk de Nacht. I thought that it would match ‘connect people’ which seems to be important for Pluk, together with the open atmosphere.”

In 2017 you were our Artist in Focus, we screened lots of your animations. Did you make a new animation recently that our audience should really see?
“That was a great honor, thank you so much. My most recent animation is Takoyaki Story, I made it for this super cool Japanese band: 1980YEN. Please, watch it!”

Are you planning on visiting Pluk one day? Do you actually have a similar festival in Japan we should really visit when we happen to be in Japan?
“I’d LOVE to visit one day. And I want to enjoy great films and smoke something. New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival is one of my favourite animation film festivals in Japan. I was in the jury last year. It takes place in the terminal building of the New Chitose airport and you can go to a hot spring right there whenever you want.”